Cancelling a booking

How could I cancel up to the booking?

Go to the section "Bookings", choose the needed booking and push the button "Cancel the booking".

Is it possible to cancel the paid booking?

Yes, it is. But in this case we'll have to:

1. Impose a fine on you in the amount of 10% of the total cost of housing - if you cancel the booking more than 7 days before checking-in.

2. Impose a fine on you in the amount of 30% of the total cost of housing - if you cancel the booking less than 7 days before checking-in.

3.  Impose a fine on your in the amount up to 100% of the total cost of housing - if you cancel the booking in the day of checking-in and later.

If there isn't enough money on your balance for writing off of amounts, the fine will be served when you refill the balance or get the prepayment from new guests.

Other types of penalties for cancellation paid a booking

The automatic recommendation of a canceled booking will be placed in your listing. You will not be able to delete this comment but to answer it.

Is there any serious reason for cancellation paid a booking?

We understand that different problems can exist. The next reasons are thought to be reasonable:

– natural disasters;
– troubled political event;
– damage to the property of housing;
– family member's death;
– a grave disease of the Host or his relatives.