Why housing per day is paradise for a tourist?

Trips are different. You can get into the hell of the hostel, the purgatory of the hotel or the paradise of a daily apartment. Now we will try to explain why we put daily rent on such a heavenly height.

It’s not expensive

Of course, in our life there may be a moment when you toss a coin, it will drop a penny heads up, it's brought you a gold card and a sense of superiority over the other, the lot of which will be the minibus and the canteen "Kopeika". But not often it's happened. So, in 99% of cases on TV. In reality, one has to take your budget into account, accepting it in two or three painful readings, trying to reconcile wishes with common sense.

Daily rent is a way to save money and spend it on a journey to something more joyful than just the ceiling above your head. Especially the savings are felt when you rent an apartment by a company and you can figure out the right amount for three or four. The main thing is not to break anything so that the mortgage for the safety of housing does not remain with the host forever, like your income tax from the state.

Not expensive housing here


Everywhere you can find an apartment

Modern urbanism is a rather evil aunt. We go to work through the first half of the city and we overcome the second to take the child out of the section. Even going to a permanent hairdresser can turn into a trip, because he opened his barbershop somewhere on the border of the industrial zone. The places we need are always far away.

So it is with hotels. In many cities, they are concentrated in a separate area, like sparrows from bread crumbs. Because of this, it takes a long time to reach the places for which we planned the whole trip.

The apartments are different because there are apartment houses everywhere. And don't scold builders for their eternal desire to occupy all vacant space with an area slightly larger than a handkerchief. This makes it easier for you to live: housing for a couple of days is everywhere. 


There is a kitchen in the apartment

Therefore, you do not need to invite Lena Letuchaya to look for a cockroach in a soup and a black widow's female in a coffee bank. You can prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner yourself, and only from those products you trust - for example, from stew in the action in the "Magnet" around the corner.

The kitchen is also an atmosphere. Emotional conversations about the new video of Face on Youtube. Joint viewing of the night "House-2" on a small TV set under a slowly cooling tea with lemon. Slowly sipping inexpensive wine with crumbled and collapsed cork inside. The key to such a lamp kitchen environment you will not give in any hotel, even if the girl at the reception will be ten times nicer than the young Barbara Streisand.

Find kitchen of our dream


Free a daily routine

Nobody likes strict frames. No one wants to be locked up in the Boyard Fort cage and wait until the release comes to you, the key to which lies in the clue, a clue from the gray-haired old man, an old man on the tower, and a tower in the sea. 

Of course, in hotels, not everything is so complicated, but there are also jokes: you need to leave the keys when you exit, return to a certain time, etc. If you rented an apartment, you will have complete freedom. You can safely come from a walk at four in the morning and dispense with the look of the hotel guard, who looks at your shirt, torn with paint, and the neck marked with lipstick.

A change of venue

Our life is negatively affected by tax increases, talk shows on "Russia-1" and monotony. And if you eliminate the first two things will help only long rituals of voodoo, then you can overcome the routine now. It is not even necessary to go to another city, you can rent an apartment for a couple of days on your own. Among other things, changing the situation will help if you live with someone for a long time and exhausted almost all the resources for reviving the old spark: watching Sherlock on New Year's Eve, and going to Ikey together, and the new postures that you changed more often than Cherchesov - the placement of the Russian team.

They say that houses and walls help. But there is an alternative point of view. It says that in four walls it is better not to sit, even if you swept over them with a designer repair. If you feel that the change of place has matured - go ahead.

Run away from everyday